
It's hard to just jump into deep conversation with your teen without first connecting over something else. What do you have in common with your teen that will help deepen that connection?

Sometimes we think the big moments make the lasting impact. However, the collection of small moments make real lasting connections.

Teens need love and affirmation. Remind them daily how much you care about them.

It's hard to just jump into deep conversation with your teen without first connecting over something else. What do you have in common with your teen that will help deepen that connection?
Connections to parents and other non-parental adults is an important protective factor for youth that can reduce the likelihood of a variety of health risk behaviors. Connectedness refers to a sense of being cared for, supported, and belonging. Youth who feel connected at school and home are less likely to experience negative health outcomes related to sexual risk, substance use, violence, and mental health.
Considering recent events, let's take family connectedness back to the basics. The basics include engaging in fun and meaningful activities, creating moments of one-on-one time, and developing family traditions.
Developing a strong bond with your child, especially during the teenage years, can help teens form their own values that will help them make positive choices throughout their lives.
For more information on the importance of youth connectedness, visit the CDC’s Adolescent Connectedness webpage. View additional resources below.
In addition, the SUP Coalition’s Talk Early, Talk Often campaign encourages parents and caregivers to connect early and often with their children about important health and safety topics like the dangers of drug use. Visit our campaign page to access several resources to help initiate and continue conversations with the young people in your lives about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs.
Adolescent Connectedness
Parent Engagement in Schools
Positive Parenting Practices
School Connectedness
HHS: Healthy Relationships in Adolescence
Healthy Dating Relationships
Healthy Friendships
Healthy Parent-Child
Partnership to End Addiction: Communication & Parenting Skills