What is Prescription Drug Abuse? [1]
Taking prescription drugs not prescribed to you, even if you're doing so for the medication's intended purpose (e.g., to ease pain)
Using prescription drugs in a way that was not prescribed, such as taking too many pills at one time or combining pills with alcohol or other drugs
Taking prescription drugs for the sole purpose of feeling good or getting high
Causes of Prescription Drug Abuse: [2]
Teens and adults abuse prescription drugs for many reasons, such as:
To feel good or get high
To relax or relieve tension
To reduce appetite or increase alertness
To experiment with the mental effects of the substance
To maintain an addiction and prevent withdrawal
To be accepted by peers or to be social
To try to improve concentration and academic or work performance
Drug Type | Opioids | Depressants | Stimulants |
Did you know? [1, 3]
Every day, more than 40 people die from a prescription opioid overdose.
Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are the most commonly misused substances by Americans age 14 and older, after marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco cigarettes.
It is illegal in Minnesota to possess prescription drugs without a lawful prescription as well as selling prescription drugs, whether the original prescription is yours or not. In doing so, you could be charged with a felony.
Safe Storage of Medications:
Store all medications in their original containers and in a place that children and visitors cannot easily access. Sort through medications annually and properly dispose of outdated and unneeded medications.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: Learn how to safely store and dispose of unneeded medications.
Disposing of Medications
Ensure unused or expired medications do not contaminate the environment or get into the wrong hands – Utilize the Drug Disposal Program!
See local drop off areas below and/or print the flyer to educate others.
Household prescription, over-the-counter, and pet medication accepted, including pills, liquids, and lotions.
The following items will not be accepted:
Institutional items (nursing homes, care centers, clinics, daycares)
Non-drug items (glucose test meters, blood pressure equipment)
Sharps or pointed items (needles, syringes, EpiPens, lancets)
E-cigarettes/vaping devices or materials
Disposing of Sharps or Pointed Items:
Check with your local clinic and/or hospital to see if they offer collection programs
Use home needle-destruction devices
Use mail-back disposal programs

(Source: MN Pollution Control Agency)